GPS can be off in this area so it helps to note mileage and landmarks but Google Maps has been working if you put in Westside Studios, Bartlett, NH and your image looks like the one I sent. In some apps the street address does NOT work for GPS because there are two 484 West Side Roads and one is on the other end of our road but in Conway. Our street address is 484 West Side Road, Bartlett, NH 03812 but putting this seems to automatically change to Conway. If you end up at 484 West Side Road in Conway you will be 9 miles away, just continue down the West Side Road following my directions below. West Side Road is about 11 miles long with one end at the intersection in Conway and the other connecting to Route 302 in Bartlett. It has a 90 degree turn in it which is the T intersection described below.(where you turn left to come to us at about 6 miles coming from Conway). The south end of the road is in the town of Conway and the north end, our end, is in Bartlett.
You continue on the West Side Road until you come to a T intersection where you have to turn left or right. You will turn left (turning right here will take you to Main Street in North Conway). You will see a sign for Diana’s Baths on your right.
Diana’s Baths, West Side Road, North Conway 03860 will work as a good GPS point. We are 2.5 miles further north along the West Side Road at 484 West Side Road. We are technically in the town of Bartlett, though just past the North Conway town line. There is a small sign on the left just past Diana’s Baths and just before Joe Bouchard’s machine shop that announces the Bartlett town line.
If you come up Route 16 you will come into the village of Conway (not to be confused with North Conway which is the bigger town). You will take a left at the four way intersection in Conway with lights. (there is a sign on your right as you turn for Echo Group) and this short section of road is called Washington Street. After this turn you will bear to the left (there’s a covered bridge off to your right) and shortly after you will pass another covered bridge also on your right. You’ll be on the West Side Road and you’ll continue on this part of the West Side Road for about 6 miles until you come to a T intersection where you have to turn left or right. You will turn left (turning right here will take you to Main Street in North Conway). You will see a sign for Diana’s Baths on your right.
If your route has taken you into North Conway then just take a left at the Eastern Slope Inn (on the end of Main Street past the train station, shops and then the Inn). This is called River Road and becomes West Side Road in less than a mile. We are almost exactly five miles down the road from Main Street in North Conway. You will also pass Diana’s Baths as noted below.
There is a lovely view of the mountains ahead of you on your right. You will soon see a sign that says “Diana’s Baths 1 mile. On your left you’ll see the beautiful White Horse and Cathedral Ledges.
You will pass the Lucy Farm on your right and if the weather is good, the alpacas will be out in the field.
Diana’s Baths is a very busy hiking spot so you will see a parking lot on your left as you pass it. We are about 2.5 past the baths.
As you get closer to us you will see the Saco River on your right. Humphrey’s Ledge rises above the left side of the road as it curves and goes uphill. Our buildings are the first driveway you will come to on your right after you go by the river.
There are five No Parking signs on your right as you near our driveway. Our driveway is just after the 5th sign. There is also a new orange and black curve sign just before our driveway.
Our driveway goes straight and gently downhill while the road continues to curve up. You will see our white mailbox with West Side AV Studios Ekbergh to the right. On a tree to the right of our driveway are two red reflectors, just above the last no parking sign. Above the driveway to your left there is a reflective sign that says 484 with a red and blue reflector.
Our two buildings are below the road and you will only see them from the road if you pass the driveway. The green house has the apartment on the second floor and we live in the red house. If you do pass the driveway continue to the top of the hill where you can turn around at the large white farmhouse. The driveway is then a hairpin turn to your left but there is a plowed out turnaround about 200 feet from us that we sometimes use.
You will see the green building on your left. Pull up and park.
It takes about 13 minutes from Conway to us coming down the West Side Road. Less than 8 minutes from Main Street in North Conway. Sharyn’s cell phone is 603-383-9283
If you come from I93:
Leave 93 at exit 32 for Lincoln, NH and turn onto Route 112 east. This is the Kancamagus Highway. You’ll drive down Lincoln’s Main Street, pass Loon Mountain Ski Area and then you will be on the scenic highway which winds through the mountains.
At about 25 miles you will see the historic Russell Colbath House on your left and shortly after that a left turn for Bear Notch Highway. Turn left onto Bear Notch.
Follow Bear Notch to the end in Bartlett Village (about 6 miles) and turn right. You will be on Route 302. You will pass Attitash Resort Ski Area on your right (about 3 miles)
After Attitash it is about 1.6 miles until you see the right turn for West Side Road. We are about 1.8 miles down the West Side Road.
You will pass a large white farmhouse with a great view and a parking lot on your left. Then there is a ski chalet type house also on your left. The road starts to go downhill and curve.
We are the next houses and the green house can be seen on your left below the road. There is a white mailbox which says 484 on it. The driveway is a hairpin turn back so you might want to pass it and use the turn around a short ways past it.